Customer Examples How-to Articles Volair Sim Updates

Volair Sim Chassis for Day Trading

Volair Sim Chassis for Day Trading

Are you, perhaps, a day trader during the week and a pilot on weekends and after-hours? If so, you may be interested in using Volair Sim chassis as a comfortable and ergonomic day-trading station, while retaining its full capability as a flight sim cockpit. Over the years we have had a number of day traders who use Volair Sim either as a standalone day trading set-up or use it as a flightsim/daytrading combo.

Here is an example of Volair Sim with ThinkorSwim software. Day trading, not unlike flight simulation, requires a powerful computer so “repurposing” the flight-sim PC (and displays) for day trading without the need (and expense) for additional dedicated hardware is a big cost save.

The triple display stand and the large displays are perfect for charts, stock scanners, where the (optional) G1000 displays mounted to the Volair Sim Avionics Panel can be used for additional windows. One can use the iPad holder to mount the iPad which may be handy during trading (or serve as a back-up to close out a position in case of the software crash, etc.).

The supportive genuine racing seat is perfect for hours of comfortable trading. One can even use the left-hand mount for the (much needed) beverage holder!

How-to Articles Volair Sim Updates

Honeycomb Charlie Rudder Pedals Compatibility

Honeycomb Charlie Rudder Pedals Compatibility

One of our customers, Dan, provided some tips on how to install the newly-released Charlie pedals onto the Volair Sim chassis. 

  • You have to remove both rudder pedals.  Honeycomb provides the Allen wrench to detach the pedals from the base.
  • Next remove the U-bracket located underneath the Volair Sim foot plate and lay the foot plate flat on the floor.
  • Insert one side of the Charlie pedals and twist and push your way down until it drops onto the foot plate. 
  • Reinstall the rudder pedals.
Volair Sim Updates

Volair Sim WINWING Orion2 HOTAS Compatibility

Volair Sim WINWING Orion2 HOTAS Compatibility

Volair Sim Left, Center, and Right mounting plates accept the WINWING Orion2 HOTAS system (throttle and joystick bases).

  • The Orion2 throttle can be mounted to the left or right side Volair Sim mount plates using two (2) of the four holes on the short side of throttle. The throttle base will overlap the Volair Sim mounting plate but it will not affect functionality.
  • The joystick base can be mounted to the center plate by removing the WINWING Orion2 joystick base from its larger plate and mounting it to the Volair Sim center plate reusing the four (4) machine screws.
Volair Sim Updates

Avionics Panel – G1000 – Now Shipping!

Avionics Panel – G1000 – Now Shipping!
We have begun shipping the back-orders for the G1000 panels. New orders will ship starting Monday 6/26/2023.
Check-out the quick overview of the brand-new Volair Sim Avionics Panel for the RealSimGear G1000 Suite. 

The Volair Sim Avionics Panel G1000 is compatible with the following accessories:

Compatible with the following yokes:


  • Powder-coated steel construction with padded carbon-fiber-look glare-shield with hand-stitching
  • Includes seat riser kit (P/N: VS-SRK) which allows the Volair Sim Chassis users to increase seat height by 3” to improve monitor visibility over the panel glare-shield
  • Attaches in minutes to your Volair Sim cockpit (no drilling)
  • AMPS STANDARD (38mmx30mm) ball mount drill pattern and space for attaching a tablet (e.g. iPad or iPad mini). Note: Ball mount is not provided.
    • Example: RAM Mounts Ball Adapter with AMPS Plate RAM-B-347U with B Size 1″ Ball
  • Up to two (2) Logitech (Saitek) Pro Flight (rectangular) instruments. One instrument can be mounted to the left of Yoke. Second instrument can be mounted in the space reserved for the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant using the provided adapter plate.
  • Up to three (3) Logitech (Saitek) Flight Instrument Panels (e.g. Airspeed Indicator, Attitude Indicator, and Altimeter as back-up instruments) that can be mounted using the provided adapter plate.

Please see the Installation Manual.

  • G1000 PDF and MDF, electronic components or controllers are not included.
  • We recommend using 32″ monitors as max size if using the Avionics Panel with the Volair Sim cockpit. If using the Triple Monitor Stand, the max display size is 46″.
  • Item #: VS-AP1-G1000
Volair Sim Updates

Volair Sim FlightSim Expo (FSExpo)

Volair Sim FlightSim Expo (FSExpo)
We are very excited to participate in the FlightSimExpo 2023 at the Lone Star Flight Museum in Houston, TX that is taking place in just few week on June 23-25, 2023.
FSExpo is the premier North American flight simulation conference.
We will be showcasing all of our products including the brand-new Volair Sim Avionics Panel for the RealSimGear G1000 Suite, our Triple Display Stand (V2), and of course our Volair Sim Chassis.
Please stop by our booth H18 and check us out!
Volair Sim Updates

Volair Sim Avionics Panel – G1000

Volair Sim Avionics Panel – G1000
Check-out the quick overview of the brand-new Volair Sim Avionics Panel for the RealSimGear G1000 Suite. 

The Volair Sim Avionics Panel G1000 is compatible with the following accessories:

Compatible with the following yokes:


  • Powder-coated steel construction with padded carbon-fiber-look glare-shield with hand-stitching
  • Includes seat riser kit (P/N: VS-SRK) which allows the Volair Sim Chassis users to increase seat height by 3” to improve monitor visibility over the panel glare-shield
  • Attaches in minutes to your Volair Sim cockpit (no drilling)
  • AMPS STANDARD (38mmx30mm) ball mount drill pattern and space for attaching a tablet (e.g. iPad or iPad mini). Note: Ball mount is not provided.
    • Example: RAM Mounts Ball Adapter with AMPS Plate RAM-B-347U with B Size 1″ Ball
  • Up to two (2) Logitech (Saitek) Pro Flight (rectangular) instruments. One instrument can be mounted to the left of Yoke. Second instrument can be mounted in the space reserved for the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant using the provided adapter plate.
  • Up to three (3) Logitech (Saitek) Flight Instrument Panels (e.g. Airspeed Indicator, Attitude Indicator, and Altimeter as back-up instruments) that can be mounted using the provided adapter plate.

Please see the Installation Manual.

  • G1000 PDF and MDF, electronic components or controllers are not included.
  • We recommend using 32″ monitors as max size if using the Avionics Panel with the Volair Sim cockpit. If using the Triple Monitor Stand, the max display size is 46″.
  • Item #: VS-AP1-G1000
Reviews Volair Sim Updates

Volair Sim Triple Display Stand and MSFS Multi-View Support

Volair Sim Triple Display Stand and MSFS Multi-View Support
Check-out the quick overview of the newly re-released Volair Sim Triple Display Stand (V2). Also, see the changes to the MSFS2020 which recently introduced Multi Window feature making the nVidia Surround a thing of the past!
Volair Sim Updates

Volair Sim Triple Display Stand – V2 is in-stock!

Volair Sim Triple Display Stand – V2 is in-stock!

We are pleased to announce that the newly re-designed Triple Display Stand is now in-stock available for immediate shipping and all back-orders have been fulfilled. 

The Triple Display Stand V2 offers the following improvements:

  • Added vertical supports under the Left and Right side displays to prevent drooping when very large displays are used.
  • Added support for displays up-to 50″ in size (diagonal)
  • Added adjustability options for perfect vertical and horizontal alignment including micro-adjustment options
  • Expanded VESA mounting pattern options to include (W X H): 100 x 100, 200 x 100, 200 x 200, 300 x 200, 300 x 300, 400 x 200, 400 x 300, 400 x 400
  • Reduced the overall weight of the stand without sacrificing stability or durability.

Please see the updated installation manual in the Support section or by clicking HERE.

Volair Sim Updates

Volair Sim Receives FAA Approval

Volair Sim Receives FAA Approval

Volair Sim is pleased to announce obtaining FAA Approval for our model ATD-100 BATD (Basic Aviation Training Device). We are approved for the following aircraft: PA-28 (Piper Archer), PA-28R (Piper Arrow), and BE36 (Beechcraft A36 Bonanza). The log-able items are as follows:

•§ 61.51(b)(3) – Logbook entries;
•§ 61.51(h) – Logging training time;
•§ 61.57(c) – Instrument experience;
•§ 61.65(i) – Instrument rating: not more than 10 hours;
•§ 61.109(k)(1) – Private Pilot Certificate aeronautical experience: up to 2.5 hours; and
•§ 141.41(b) – Approved for use under the part 141 appendices as follows:Appendix B – Up to 15% towards the total Private Pilot training time requirements; and
Appendix C – Up to 25% toward the total Instrument training time requirements.

Our launch customer, Pilot Training Northwest, had the following comments about our system:

Our flight school is using an FAA-Certified Volair Sim, AD-100 BATD and we all are impressed with it.  Our CFIIs and CFIs all use the system for training private student pilots, instrument candidates and commercial candidates.  We also have instrument pilots who are using the system to maintain IFR currency or just to practice approaches and log simulated instrument time.  This trainer has become a revenue stream for us because student pilots and pilots alike are extremely impressed with it and they can log the simulated instrument time.  As a flight school owner/operator I too am impressed and highly recommend the Volair Sim AD-100 over any others on the market.

The system itself is far superior to other “simulators’ we have used in the past, including the PFC 12 Pro Panel.  Most BATDs and AATDs have the look and feel of a table-top computer system and they lack the feeling of being in a real airplane.  As such, the training experience is not as effective.  The Volair Sim system, however, with an actual instrument panel, an adjustable aircraft seat and the wide-angle monitors all built around a solid, heavy-duty mounting system provide realism not found in any other BATD or AATD I know of.

The professional construction of the mounting system, the instrument panel and the adjustable aircraft seat is solid, providing a stable platform with the feel of being in a real airplane.  The instrument panel alone is impressive with its realistic look and instrument layout. The flight controls are far more realistic than other systems we have used.  The Volair Sim AD-100 flies much more like the real airplane than others on the market.

Since we started using the Volair Sim AD-100 our CFIIs have noticed more rapid progress among our instrument students, especially when connected to a simulated Air Traffic Control program where the instrument candidates not only fly a very realistic platform, but are emerged in the realism of working with ATC.

Volair Sim Updates

RealSimGear GTN 750 Adapter Now Available for the Volair Sim Avionics Panel

We are pleased to announce the availability of the GTN-750 adapter for the RealSimGear GPS unit to mount to our Avionics Panel. The adapter works the same way as our GNS-530 adapter; the GPS will occupy two rectangular slots on the Avionics Panel normally reserved for the Logitech (Saitek) rectangular components. You will have to cut/remove the thin bar separating the two rectangular openings on the Avionics Panel.

You can purchase this adapter at our web-store.


Volair Sim Updates

Adapter Plate for RealSimGear Garmin GNS530 now available.

The Adapter Plate for the Volair Sim Avionics Panel is now available. You may order it from our web store.

GNS530 Adapter

Volair Sim Updates

Volair Sim 1.2 and Updates

As we are nearing resuming shipments to our customers, few updates to keep everyone in the loop.

1. To all that have pre-ordered the cockpit or are going to preorder before the 15th of November, Thank You. You will all receive the center stick mount included with your cockpit. Note that it will be packaged INSIDE the master box so don’t panic if you only receive one giant box. We are still on track to start shipments around the 20th of November but note that we will be clearing a large backorder so you do not panic if you do not get your tracking number right away. Our goal is for everyone to get their cockpit before Thanksgiving so you all have something to work on to burn off that turkey and mashed potatoes!

2. To all that are going to pre-order, you MUST place the order before the end of day (15th) to take advantage of this promo. You do not need to do anything additional when you place the order – we will know that you are supposed to get the center mount free based on order date. After 15th, the price is going up slightly as the center mount is going to be included with ALL cockpits standard to keep up with our philosophy of ALL mounts included standard.

3. You will ALL be pleased that we have made some small improvements to the cockpit based on the user feedback. The version 1.2 that you all will soon receive includes 200mmx200mm VESA mounts for your center monitor standard. So, if you are one of the users that plans to use one giant monitor/TV, you will NOT have to buy any additional adapters/mounts.

4. The customers that have the Volair Sim cockpits prior to version 1.2, you will be able to order the center mount sticks after November 20th separately. Note that we will have a very limited amount of these made as going forward all Volairs will be sold with it standard so if you are thinking about getting one of these, you need to act fast!

5. Several of you asked us about ButtKicker compatibility. The answer is that it fits great and there are several options for mounting – one that is easiest and most “stealthy” is under seat – see photo below from one of our customers.


Note from our customer, “That’s the ButtKicker vibration unit. Namely, the Gamer II Edition, which features an easy-install bracing that fitted like a glove under the seat. In fact, the height of that frame bar was so perfect it even seems like it was designed for that very purpose… or maybe it’s just a really fortunate coincidence – Either way, this position gives it a pretty solid attachment and a huge bass feedback response on both the seat and the controls.”

6. Last but not least, a great example of an ingenious installation from William, one of our customers. This is an example of Volair Sim as a workstation/development studio/flight sim rig, etc. Hope that this shows you that the Volair Sim is a great platform for further customization. Here is the unedited review and you can follow his further progress here.

William Writes, “As promised, here are a couple of pictures of the setup I’ve assembled so far. it’s not entirely complete, and “complete” it may never be, as there’s always that “one last piece” of hardware that we can only stop ourselves from getting for a certain amount of time… then, the “kid in the candy store” factor takes over and well…  this is the result of that process repeated countless times up until now. Feel free to post this in your reviews/news section – It goes to show how versatile this system really is, given a little bit of creative engineering.

This new setup was mainly based on the concept of using a 39″ main monitor (tv) with a secondary 27″ mounted in portrait mode. The gap between the screens you see there is not visible from eye position when seated upright. The tv is actually set in the work table, a couple of inches in front of the side monitor. From my seated PoV, the bezels on the TV and monitor will generally overlap, leaving a much reduced gap than if the screen surfaces were placed closer to flush with each other.”


“It’s quite a non-standard setup, with the massively over-sized G15 keyboard I had to do some creative rigging to get the mouse somewhere to sit. That “custom mouse pad” is just a piece of scrap wood that I (hastily) cut a while back for use in my previous assembly. While I had to leave most of the old rig behind upon moving to live in Canada, I did somehow happen to have the foresight of bringing that piece with me – Add a 3-buck C clamp to it, and we got ourselves a proper mouse surface!

Notice the added trackball assembly. This was mounted by re-purposing the unused third monitor fitting plate and a couple of more C-Clamps from the local hardware store… The Razer Nostromo and Saitek throttle are also mounted on a previously built piece of assorted household junk and fitted to the chassis supports using adhesive velcro tape, as was the stick.

The Keyboard is mounted at a near-45 degree angle to the tray, making it very comfortable and stable to type on – for securing it at this position there’s another piece of old hardware from my old rig which consists basically of an old CD-case holder (who has CD’s anymore, right?) bolted to a metal plate of somewhat mysterious household origins. This plate provides a solid surface (whereas the triangular CD holder has multiple CD-case sized open slots) and there I used more velcro tape for propping up the keyboard.
Using velcro makes for easily reconfigurable attachments, which really pays off when it comes down to fine tuning positions for reach and comfort. The pedals are rigged the same way. Saitek even provides size-cut Velcro strips with the pedals for this. Very convenient.
The lil’ laptop on the side also doubles as my WiFi antenna, which my big rig does not have. A cable might be faster, but my roommates might have an objection to that, as the router sits in the living room. This is the same reason I opted not to use a 66-Watt 5.1 like my former assembly had, and instead opted for those nice cushy headsets.
Software such as Synergy and Display fusion allows the unusually-distributed screen space to function as a very fluid and mighty spacious desktop. This is needed because I don’t just fly simulators, I also develop them.”


William concludes with this, “True story:  Just today I showed a picture of this setup to a buddy of mine, telling him all about how much more I feel I can get out of my work just by having a proper work space at hand. He asked me – Out of all this hardware, what piece do you find the most critical for productivity? – I replied – “The seat”.”

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving and enjoy your Volair Sim cockpits!

Volair Sim Updates

Codemasters’ F1 2012 with Logitech G27

Example of Volair Sim Cockpit in action with the Logitech G27 wheel and paddle shifters. I really like the new Codemasters’ F1 2012 game. Awesome graphics and driving dynamics. The three monitor wrap-around really makes you feel like you are right there. I only wish the driver had more skillz 😉

BTW, I had my wife try to drive in 1st gear just to get her opinion and she said it felt so real, it made her nauseous. I guess this is what we were striving for (the realism that is, not getting people sick, lol).


Volair Sim Updates

Why Volair Sim?

We really believe that Volair Sim offers the best combination of features for the money. So, we took some time and did, hopefully, an unbiased comparison between Volair Sim and some of the most popular and respected flight or racing sim chassis systems out there. Here is a summary of features, benefits, and pricing:

I think you will agree that Volair Sim, simply stated, has the best bang-for-the-buck ratio. It is also the only sim chassis out there that has been developed from the ground-up with the VFR or IFR pilot in mind. There are no compromises – you get all of the mounts and accessories standard. This, combined with the fact that Volair Sim is the ONLY flight chassis out there that is factory pre-drilled for Satek Pro Flight line of accessories allows you to build a very complete and capable flight set-up.

Volair Sim Updates

Introducing Volair Sim™ – World’s First Universal Flight and Racing Simulation Cockpit Chassis


Indianapolis, Indiana (October 15, 2012) –Volair Sim™, a leader in world’s most configurable and affordable flight and racing simulation products, announces product release of the VS-01 Volair Sim™ Flight and Racing Simulation Cockpit Chassis.

Volair Sim™ is the world’s first flight and racing simulation chassis that is factory pre-configured for most commonly used flight and racing simulation accessories such as Saitek, Logitech, CH Products, and more!

“We are pleased to announce the release of the Volair Sim™ Cockpit Sim Chassis – the cockpit chassis solution all serious flight and racing simmers have been waiting for. Volair Sim™ has been designed from the ground-up in order to provide customers with the world’s most complete and universal simming chassis at an ultra-affordable price point,” said Bart Waclawik – Volair Sim’s President.

Volair Sim™ is the world’s first cockpit chassis that has been factory pre-configured to accept the most common flight and racing simulation accessories such as Logitech® Saitek® and CH Products.

For flight simulation Volair Sim has pre-drilled mounting locations for all Saitek Pro Flight accessories including the Saitek Pro Flight Yoke, the Radio Panel, the Multi Panel, the BIP, Switch Panel, and the Instrument Panel(s).

The left and right side stick mounts are also pre-configured to accept a single or dual Saitek Throttle Quadrant(s), the Trim Wheel, etc. The pedal base accepts a wide variety of rudder pedals such as: CH Products Pro Pedals, and Saitek.

“There are no holes to drill, no hassle with trying to get your accessories mounted; just take your Saitek or CH Products yoke, rudder pedals and all accessories and mount them directly to Volair Sim chassis,” stated Mr. Waclawik.

For racers, Volair Sim™ is factory pre-configured for the Logitech® G27 racing wheel. Both the work table and the side stick mounts are also pre-drilled for the Logitech® G27 shifter. The pedal base is also pre-drilled to accept the Logitech® G27 racing pedal set for permanent installation.

Volair Sim™ is the leader in world’s most configurable and affordable flight and racing simulation cockpits. We combine our passion for flight simulation with the real-world knowledge of flight training, exceptional industrial design, and an unparalleled affordability.

Media Contact:

Bart Waclawik

Volair Sim – Flight Sim Configuration
Volair Sim with Three Monitors
Volair Sim – Top