Indianapolis, Indiana (October 15, 2012) –Volair Sim™, a leader in world’s most configurable and affordable flight and racing simulation products, announces product release of the VS-01 Volair Sim™ Flight and Racing Simulation Cockpit Chassis.
Volair Sim™ is the world’s first flight and racing simulation chassis that is factory pre-configured for most commonly used flight and racing simulation accessories such as Saitek, Logitech, CH Products, and more!
“We are pleased to announce the release of the Volair Sim™ Cockpit Sim Chassis – the cockpit chassis solution all serious flight and racing simmers have been waiting for. Volair Sim™ has been designed from the ground-up in order to provide customers with the world’s most complete and universal simming chassis at an ultra-affordable price point,” said Bart Waclawik – Volair Sim’s President.
Volair Sim™ is the world’s first cockpit chassis that has been factory pre-configured to accept the most common flight and racing simulation accessories such as Logitech® Saitek® and CH Products.
For flight simulation Volair Sim has pre-drilled mounting locations for all Saitek Pro Flight accessories including the Saitek Pro Flight Yoke, the Radio Panel, the Multi Panel, the BIP, Switch Panel, and the Instrument Panel(s).
The left and right side stick mounts are also pre-configured to accept a single or dual Saitek Throttle Quadrant(s), the Trim Wheel, etc. The pedal base accepts a wide variety of rudder pedals such as: CH Products Pro Pedals, and Saitek.
“There are no holes to drill, no hassle with trying to get your accessories mounted; just take your Saitek or CH Products yoke, rudder pedals and all accessories and mount them directly to Volair Sim chassis,” stated Mr. Waclawik.
For racers, Volair Sim™ is factory pre-configured for the Logitech® G27 racing wheel. Both the work table and the side stick mounts are also pre-drilled for the Logitech® G27 shifter. The pedal base is also pre-drilled to accept the Logitech® G27 racing pedal set for permanent installation.
Volair Sim™ is the leader in world’s most configurable and affordable flight and racing simulation cockpits. We combine our passion for flight simulation with the real-world knowledge of flight training, exceptional industrial design, and an unparalleled affordability.
Media Contact:
Bart Waclawik