- For all of your racing sim fans, check out the new review at Inside Sim Racing where Darin and Shaun put the Volair Sim through its paces (or should we say turns) and give the racer’s review of the rig.
- Next, check out this review and photos from Eyad, one of our customers. Eyad is a private pilot and intends to use the Volair Sim as a personal training and proficiency device (in addition to being the guy with the coolest toy at his airport, without a doubt). One of the cockpit parts was damaged in shipping so we sent him a replacement. Here is what he writes in reply,
“First of all I would like to thank you for rushing me the support tube last week, I really appreciated your help and the great costumer support. I also want to thank you a million times for inventing and making this awesome cockpit, I am having a wonderful and great time with this project, without your cockpit none of this would be possible…. Thaaaaaank you. I thought I would send you some pictures of the work in progress and tell you about few modifications I did this weekend on the Volairsim cockpit and see what you think.”
I think you will all agree we have here one of the best-looking and most complete Volair Sim rigs we have seen to-date!
- Lastly, the center stick mounts are in very short supply. If you own a Volair Sim cockpit and think about getting the center stick, please order soon or you will have to wait until mid-November until we make the next batch.